Artista visual y diseñadora gráfica. Nacida en Guatemala en 1,981.
Grabadora del Taller Experimental de Gráfica de Guatemala TEGG desde el año 2,014. Ha participado en exposiciones colectivas en Guatemala, México, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Alemania y París, Francia en la sede de la UNESCO en el 2,016. Su obra “La Lotería” fue finalista en de la Subasta de Arte Latinoamericano JUANNIO 2,016.
Visual artist and graphic designer. Was born in Guatemala in 1,981.
Xylographer from Taller Experimental de Gráfica de Guatemala TEGG since 2,014. Has participated in collective exhibits in Guatemala, México, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Germany and Paris, France at the UNESCO in 2,016. Her work "La Lotería" was finalist at the Latin-American Art Auction JUANNIO 2,016.
El Diablo, El Mono, El León, El Toro, El Pájaro y El Venado
Xilografía a placa perdida /
Xylography reduction print
Xilografía a placa perdida /
Xylography reduction print
Finalista JUANNIO 2,016.
El Corazón, UNESCO. París, 2,016
Xilografía a placa perdida /
Xylography reduction print
Indigenous victims of sexual slavery during Guatemala's war hope precedent-setting trial will help others get justice. The two accused - former members of the military - received sentences totalling 360 years imprisonment.
The Sepur Zarco case is historic for being the first criminal trial that pertains to sexual violence during armed conflict, as well as the first sexual slavery case heard in a national court. Importantly, it also illustrates the army’s use of rape as a weapon of war and of genocide.